Monday 21 November 2016

Black Friday

First of all, why are so many bad things named after "Black"?? As well as the title of this post, you have Blackmail, Black Market, Blacklisted, Black Widow. No wonder there are so many racist people in the world. it seems Black = Bad. All jokes aside, Black Friday is a really strange day to have anywhere apart from The USA. It is a the day after Thanksgiving Day in The USA. It makes sense (although I still don't know why its called "Black Friday". Some say that it is because some retailers go from being 'in the red' to being 'in the black' and actually start to make a profit but I find that hard to believe as the majority of retailers make profit every day especially the one I work for). But for some reason, here in The UK, Black Friday seems to be a thing too. Making no sense whatsoever. In 2013, a supermarket chain in The UK which is a subsidiary of a massive chain in America, introduced Black Friday to The UK thus making crazy people in The UK, going even crazier. In 2014, it was reported by Greater Manchester police that "shoppers had behaved in appalling fashion" and that "lack of planning from retailers was really disappointing". That sounds like just another normal day where I work. People were fighting and looting for crying out loud. Advertisements are a bitch. It is so difficult to not get sucked into wanting something that you do not really need causing people to part with money they probably should not be parting with. In other words, Black Friday is just another stupid marketing gimmick that a lot of people fall for, thinking that they are doing something amazing with their lives by competing against other shoppers and managing to buy something that is priced lesser than it normally is. Question time:- 1) Is the product that you are buying really worth the amount it was before the sale price in the first place? 2) Do you actually believe that you are getting a bargain? 3) Do you think that you have enough hobbies and past times? In short-do you have a life? 4) Do you live outside of The USA? 5) In all honesty, do you feel like you have to buy things because other people are? For example, do you have to keep up with The Jones'? If you have answered yes to at least four of these questions, then you maybe need to reassess things in life.