Sunday, 11 September 2011

No samosas in Somalia.

It's really hard to imagine actually starving to death. Everyone, when they are hungry claims "I'm starving." You're really not. Apparently one-third of the population in Somalia are facing starvation. There is no food, no water as there hasn't been any rain for ages and isn't due any until another 4 months!

Some people ask why people in third world countries like Somalia have children. Many reasons. Lack of birth control which I don't think would be used anyway due to stupid religious beliefs. Some hope that when the children are old enough, they may be able to help earn money in the future and I even think that in some cases, they just want a child to make themselves happy. I don't know if I agree with all of this. I understand that it's just human nature to want sex but to have families with about 8 or 9 children being brought up in poverty isn't good. I really can't see a way out of the situation unless EVERYONE in the world helps. Every single working person can afford to donate just a little bit at least. If you want to help, here is one of many links you can donate to:-

Going back to the title, I read one of the craziest things that I have ever read or heard (I'm not counting stuff said from idiots that I've wrote about in this blog) and I'm putting it alongside with the idiots who thought it was going to be the end of the world. But this might even be stupider than that. In Somalia, they have banned samosas. Why?? Because some leaders in Somalia-a strict Muslim country-said that the samosa with it's triangle shape resembles The Holy Trinity and Christianity.

You decide how bizarre that is. Surely then, they will have to ban EVERYTHING triangular?? Dairylea triangles?? Bicycle seats??