Tuesday 6 September 2011

Graphic Novels/Comics #2!!!

Strangley, after I wrote my last post on this subject, just a few hours later I read 2 articles in the morning paper. One of them was about the famine in Somalia which was going to be the subject on my next post -I'll get onto that later- and the other one was about comics! Weird.

The article was about how readers are now reading comics less and less. It said in this day and age, people are watching more and more things online through computers, phones and whatever else there is. So, The DC universe are going to start their stories all over again from the beginning. All the characters will still be the same but in the 21st centuary and more up-to-date. This could be a bit worrying. What if Superman has a love affair with that chunk of lard that they call Katy Perry?? What if WonderWoman goes on Big Brother or the X Factor?? What if Batman gets a facebook????

I thought part of the whole reading of Superhero adventures was because of the nostalgia. If people with Superpowers were bought up in this day and age, then I think that the world might be even more fucked up than it already is.