Monday 11 July 2016

We have no leader...BUT WE CAN WATCH THE TENNIS

Due to "Great" Britain not being in the EU anymore, times could get really difficult. I think anyone who voted to leave the EU were just desperate for a change. There are so many working class people with no future, nothing to hope for, nothing to look forward to. People need something-a lot of people have nothing. I am not saying whether the referendum decision was correct on incorrect, I did not vote. I have written a blog post on why I have never voted. As well as this, I think that there were a lot of blind votes-by this I mean people voting when they are not a hundred percent sure what the outcome even entails.The results of the EU votes have been made and they have been done and there is no going back. What shocks me most is that regardless of who voted what, the people should be sticking up for each other. People in Britain now more than ever should be thinking "We are not in the EU. We are alone. Now is the time that we NEED to stick up for each other. We NEED to be as one and fight for our future."

Instead we get people moaning about the results.

Instead we get people writing on social media about how pissed off they are with the results.

Instead we get people making petitions to re-vote??

How insane.

Petitions to have another vote do not make sense because anyone who voted to stay in the EU would sign the petition. Anyone who wants out, wouldn't hence why they voted that way in the first place.

People have to accept the decision that has been made and move on with life!

There have been disappointments. There have been let downs.

As I am writing this, Britain currently has no Prime Minister. He resigned after the results were announced. Several politicians have resigned their posts (some would say abandoned their country when they were needed the most) and this just goes to show how utterly disgraceful people in power seem to be. How spineless and how pathetic to do this when your country and the people in it need you more than ever.

| Prime Minister. The country in disarray. People at odds with each other.

Who is there to save us? Wait...we have a royal family!! The Queen. The Princes. Somebody. Anybody.

But...wait. Again...wait. The Prince and probably the future Queen are watching the Wimbledon final, (Congratulations on Andy Murray winning Wimbledon for the second time).

So the question now is-What is the relevance of the royal family? Are they just a posh breed of scallies living off benefits? Why don't they say something or do something? Even if one of them just made a speech telling people that things were going to be OK?? Are they that pathetic and uninterested? Just like a jobless person who gets paid more than enough money to carry on living their lives...why would they bother doing anything as long as they are getting what they need.

The people celebrate The Jubilee, A new child being born into the family. A royal birthday...But why? What is the point? Why are the royal family even a thing? The commonwealth do not like Britain (give the independence but KEEP THE CROWN JEWELS), All of Europe now probably do no like Britain (even though nobody was too keen on Britain in the first place) and nobody really seems to care.

I think the "Great" in Britain has long gone and I think people-the royal family, the politicians and everyone who cannot accept a vote that has not gone their way to just be ashamed of themselves for not having any sort of integrity.

But at least we can all watch the tennis. Right?

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