Saturday 31 December 2011

Getting ready for the new year

  • Going through the most pointless bit of anticlimax ever. Check
  • Kidding myself that "This year is going to be the start of amazing things for me." Check
  • Watching people getting stupidly drunk and out of their senses. Then vomiting. A lot. Check.
  • Being pecked ever so lightly on the cheeks by gorgeous ladies who I don't know, having my hands shaken by guys I don't know and then watching those same girls and guys get it on with each other passionately. Check.
  • Seeing smokers quit at midnight and start again at 2am. Seeing alcoholics tremble at not being able to have a drink otherwise they will break their new years' resolution and then watching them get defeated under the intense pressure of putting themselves in an environment where everyone else is drinking. Seeing gamblers telling people that they have lost their cards/wallet and have no money to get drinks because their new years resolution was to stop gambling and so they had a massive fix before they went out and lost all their money. Check. Check. And fucking check.
  • Achieving nothing at all. Check.
  • Feeling even more lost and empty than ever. Check.

The new year. The same old shit year.