Saturday 20 July 2019

Has the world 🌍 gone mad?

I want to write a post about how mad the world seems to have gone. I know that all throughout history there has been utter madness but when I stop to think about it, sometimes it feels so weird and messed up that it's almost unreal. I sometimes believe it's some kind of nightmare. You can't say or do anything that is politically correct. In fact, you can't say anything at all that isn't going to offend someone out there and these days, ANYONE can express their opinion through social media-so...ANYONE could get offended.

Talking of political correctness first-or just politics in general, or just politically incorrect-Donald Trump is the president of The USA. Some people say that he is a sexiest, racist, fumbling mess. Vladimir Putin is the leader of Russia and Kim Jong-Un is the leader of North Korea. These three are the most powerful people in the world.

These three.

If someone had woken up from a coma 20 years ago to this world, it would not surprise me if they thought they had gone to hell. Or if not hell, then a madhouse.

Think about ISIS. What is that they actually want? Just to kill people because of the way they live and their lifestyles. I think. Anyone anywhere can do something and ISIS can claim responsibility for it. I know violence and wars have always been a part of history but this is really bad.

But forget about global uncontrollable madness. Let's talk about things that are a bit less serious but really strange anyway.

I have absolutely no problem with anyone unless they personally hurt me or hurt someone I care about-I must point that out.

I've always wondered that if a man was born and he believed that he was born in the wrong body and that he should have been a she, these days they can get a sex change and correct it-but how would the man know or think he knows what it would be like being female. What if he became a she and still didn't feel right? What happens then? Surely it's something else that needs to be addressed there. I'm an Indian. Born in Britain. I cannot change that whether I wanted to or not. I can't go to the operating theatre and ask to not be Indian. I can't take a magic potion that will turn me into someone else. It's who I am. If I didn't like it, I'd still have to accept it at some point.

Accept it.

There is a movie I saw recently where if people see something, they lose their minds and kill themselves UNLESS the person is already insane, so characters have to make their way through the movie blindfolded when they are outside. So of course, the trend becomes people trying things in real life like driving blindfolded as a challenge. As well as this, there have been other trends like someone showed me a video of someone who was driving a car, they put the car in neutral or cruise control, get out of the car whilst the car is still in motion, dance whilst being filmed and then post it on Social Media! What the heck?!

Hank Azaria who is a voiceover in The Simpsons doesn't want to voice the character of Apu anymore because after two decades of doing so, someone (I can't even remember his name) accused The Simpsons and the character of Apu of being racist. These are characters. Animated characters that are taking the mickey out of stereotyping. They are making the world laugh with it and people are now all of a sudden getting offended.

The world has already gone mad. Watch out for my next blog post on predictions on what will happen next in the world that will delve it further into the madness.

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