Monday 21 December 2015

Hollywood destroying comic book stories and characters.

I wanted to write about how the movie industry is a money making disgrace.

I like stories. Good stories. Stories that can hold my attention. It takes a really good story to hold my attention. And being engrossed in a good story can really take your imagination to new places.

Good characters. Characters that you can love and hate. A good actor or a well written character can make you feel a lot of different emotions. Not just love and hate. You can follow a character. Even being able to relate to a character can be really beneficial towards yourself. Seeing characteristics of yourself in actors playing characters can make you feel less...weird.

On that note, I like comic book stories. Not that I see myself in being an actual superhero but I really like the ideas and the stories that comics can create tat nothing else can. They are unique, interesting and the possibilities are endless. Not only that but a lot of them actually address real issues that occur in life. Strangely, I'm not one of those people who stares at the art for ages, but I linger on the dialogue more. Which I know doesn't make sense as the pictures are obviously a massive part of comics. I told you I was weird.

Its all about the storytelling and I guess in that respect that I could just read normal books. But the pictures don't completely go amiss. They obviously give the actual story more depth. I just prefer the storytelling and the actual characters.

It is about Good v Evil. Ethical and moral justice. Victims of bullying are known to like comics more.
It is about psychological undertones and overtones.

In the past ten years or so, the film industry are taking these stories and characters and quite frankly ruining them. RUINING them. Characters are becoming pathetic. Stories are now really cheesy to cater for the family audience. It's not necessarily about telling a good story, it is about how much money can be made from telling any story at all and using so many special effects that there really is no need for actors anymore. But to make money there is. You have to use actors to market the movie. Even if the actors/acting is bad. It is all about cashing in.

Take Robert Downey JR for example. An absolutely TERRIBLE actor. Awful. But he was the highest paid actor in 2014, earning an insanely stupid amount of money. $75 million dollars. That equates to just under £50 million pounds. £50 million pounds in just one year for this absolutely terrible actor is sickening. He is popular, he is marketable. He was Iron Man. I suppose Iron Man is a pretty pathetic boring character so why not get a pathetic boring actor to play him?

The movie industry just does not have too many original ideas and comics have endless stories and characters that are becoming more known to the mass audience that seem to crave to want to watch more and more of these superhero movies. If the market is there, the film industry can cash in. But this is not a new thing .This has been happening for years-The Punisher (twice, the second one was better but was nothing to the comics and still pretty bad), Hulk (twice again and both were terrible), Captain America which was a joke, The fantastic four who were all played by horrid bland pathetic actors as is The Avengers. There are more. The list goes on. The characters are getting ruined and now Hollywood are not satisfied by that. They are wanting to ruin the actual stories too.

The comic book graphic novel called "Civil War".

A great story about the government wanting all superheroes to register to work for the them after an unfortunate incident occurs without their secret identities anymore. Some superheroes are for this and want to register. Some are rightly against this and refuse. This leads to Iron Man working with the government with a team of superheroes against Captain America who goes underground with a team of superheroes still fighting the good fight whilst keeping from being captured by Iron Man. Hollywood have decided to take this great story and turn it into a movie. The bland Robert Downey Jr will of course be playing Iron Man. The movie will of course rake in millions and millions of pounds to the overpaid actors (and people moan about footballers getting paid too much), 

It will give everyone something to talk about until the next story they decide to ruin.

I am not sure if I will be able to watch Civil War. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for a lot of other people who seem to thrive on special effects, awful one liners and just bad acting in general.

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