Tuesday 8 July 2014

A visit from the afterlife? No, it's just a pigeon.

Since sometime last year, nearly everyday there has been a pigeon visiting the back yard in my mothers' house where I live. It's a chubby little thing and ridiculously just waddles around the yard like it owns it. I've now started to leave bread out.

I'm miserable most of the time. I am well and truly down and see the negative side of almost anything. And even though pigeons are really dirty scavengers, I actually genuinely feel happy when it is there. I laugh sometimes and I smile. But I am hardly ever genuinely happy. Granted, it is only for  minute or so but still.

It reminded me of this amazing scene in Lost. Please watch from 23:00-25:55.


Now I'm not saying that the pigeon is a visit from the afterlife. In the words of John Locke:

"That would be silly."

But for some reason when it is there, I feel like it should be there and that it's not just a pigeon-even though it clearly is. When I try and approach it, it of course flies off. That's what pigeons do.

And in some way that isn't explainable, I feel happy when I see it.

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