Tuesday 10 December 2013

Getting to know a celebrity, working with them and then pissing them off in the space of a few weeks.

I guess this would be a great follow up to my last post. This is another thing that I hate about Drama/Acting.


People have to earn a living - Yes.
People want to be able to live in the best way possible - Yes.
People would want to easily be able to provide for their loved ones - Yes. 

And the last one. People like money - Yes. Yes of course they do. 

But do people really have to be total twats for money? No. But they are. Unfortunately they really are. And here is one example:-

Up until recently, I was voluntarily "teaching Drama" to 6-8 year olds voluntarily. I had to gain experience in Drama teaching for my college course and was struggling to find somewhere where I could do this. The two ladies whose "Drama" group it was were both idiots. One a primary school teacher who was about to have a baby, so I would be taking her place in teaching the children and the other a celebrity. At best, a B-list celebrity.

Neither knew anything about teaching Drama. 

Oh of course, the school teacher knew about teaching and the one occasion she was in during the time I did this (about 7 weeks), the children were very well behaved. She knew how to control the class but the B-list celebrity didn't. She also knew NOTHING about teaching and even though she is an ex-TV star, she knew NOTHING about Drama. It was painfully obvious from my first observation on the class.  

The price for the lessons to the children were ridiculous. It was in a beautiful building which had only just opened to the public and for the price of one hours' "lesson", it would be the price of just two of the kids and there were about 16 children in the class so they were making profit from 14 of the childrens' parents' money not including my travel fare which they paid for me. The ladies were coming out with A LOT of money for just one hours' "work". But why were the parents paying so much money for their kids to "learn" Drama in this particular class?

Because of the B-list celebrity. No other reason. Put a B-lists celebrities' name on something and it is bound to attract people. The B-list celebrity was struggling to find work. She is a bad actress. Why not make money from just her name?

So apart from not knowing anything about Drama, what was the problem? Surely, they could LEARN and teach whatever it is they learnt?

Well, there were a lot of problems. The B-list celebrity couldn't control the class. She wouldn't/couldn't do anything if they would run about/shout/scream/cause havoc and chaos, which they would do for about fifteen minutes of every "lesson". She would have the bright idea of indulging them with biscuits and sugary drinks halfway through the class which would make them even more hyper. They would start behaving five minutes before their parents came to pick them up right at the end. I understand that they are children and will want to have fun which I am all up for. But just don't call it a Drama class.

But the main problem was that they weren't learning anything about Drama. And that really got to me. The B-list celebrity kept saying how Drama was helping them develop their confidence, but they were already insanely over confident. They had no discipline. When I tried to explain how important having discipline is i.e if they went for an audition or just a normal job interview, if they went in screaming and shouting they wouldn't get the part/job, the B-list celebrity didn't seem to understand. She also didn't seem to understand that it isn't a good idea to give a script to a child who can't read yet. She also said certain children in the group "could make it big because they had the look."

She also knew nothing about Drama-did I mention that?

The whole thing was very strange as I wasn't learning how to teach any Drama students. I was learning how to control a playgroup. And even with that I had to learn myself as the B-list celebrity was rubbish doing that too.

The worst part was at the end of every "lesson" where the parents would pay. The B-list celebrity would tell their parents how well their child was "developing their acting and Drama skills". She would feed the parents already delusional minds more of what they wanted to hear. All these parents, all these kids and the B-list celebrity ALL had VERY different lives to what I live. They were all VERY privileged and money was clearly no issue for the middle class lot who I am guessing probably earned more in three months than I do in a year. Money was no object for them to feel their delusional desires of developing their kids into famous stars. The children themselves probably growing up having their college tuition fees paid for, cars, houses and all the rest of it. Money was no issue. The money being unfairly earned by the B-list celebrity was an absolute sick joke.

She wasn't teaching them Drama. She was babysitting. This wasn't a Drama class. This was a play group.

I wrote an evaluation. She took it home and read it. She hated it. She said she didn't want me there anymore.

Now, for anyone who thinks my evaluation and reviews on the class were really cut-throat like this post is-it wasn't. She just couldn't handle the fact that she already knew that she couldn't teach and that she was totally pathetic and that she and her co-worker were only doing this for money and nothing else and it was almost as if I had to accept that or not be a part of it. I was so disappointed when she said I couldn't come there anymore but after thinking about it and after observing the classes, I am SO GLAD that I am not there anymore. To be a part of something that is so sick, delusional, fake and money grabbing as it was is pretty disturbing. I just wish that my evaluation and reviews WERE more cut-throat.

There were a few people who were really excited about me working with a celebrity (even though she is a B-list one) and as was I. But at the same time, I am more excited about doing my course and having the opportunity to teach REAL DRAMA to people in the future as my career not pretend I know things about acting when I really don't just to try and make money. Or as The B-list celebrity said "a business".

Unlike the B-list celebrity bitch, I am not fake. I am fucking real.

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