Tuesday 25 June 2013

Horrible bastards and nasty bitches

I like to think I have grown as a writer. But I think this post is going to be like my first few posts written when I started my blog. Although I did try not to swear in my first posts and if swearing does offend you-well you already would have looked away by now I guess.

There comes a time in peoples' lives-maybe more than just one time-maybe a few times which alcoholics could refer to as a moment of clarity. Where you see things clearly in what could be for the first time in ages. Or even for the first time ever. There are these moments that we may get in life. But a lot of the times, they are JUST moments. And moments pass. It's what  they do.

It is no secret that there are a lot of sick, disgusting, selfish people in the world. Who look out for nobody but themselves. Keep their own interests at heart. Looking after number one.

Not that there is anything wrong whatsoever with looking after "number one". People of course have to do what they think is best for them. But there is also a thing called "basic human decency".

And some people have none of this.

Recently I have gone through so much shit and I feel like I still am going through the shit. What isn't helping me get past it is people. The actual shitness of some people. And it is unbelievable-even though I know and I am fully aware how there are horrible bastards and nasty bitches in this world-it is still unbelievable that these people exist.

People who have religious beliefs will then say something along the lines of "God will see to them." or "they will all perish in hell."

Religious fanatics may even go as far as to say something like "their hearts are tainted, may The Lord have mercy on their souls." or "thou shalt be summoned to the deepest, darkest fieriest of hell where thou shalt be damned for all of eternity."

But those things aren't going to happen are they?

Strangely, in some cases, it is really fucked up who these sick, disgusting and selfish people actually are. Some are people you thought cared about you.

But then there is also the flip side of people who you didn't think cared about you who actually do.

The "eye opener", the "moment of clarity", the things that make you wonder and think like you have never thought before is often a result of tragedy or something really bad happening. Unfortunately that is what it takes.

But the results of that can either go two ways. You can either focus on the horrible bastards and the nasty bitches and all the sick, disgusting and selfish people in the world and then be sad, depressed and angry about everything OR you can focus on the good people in life. There might not be many-but you don't necessarily need many-and you can enjoy life, sleep better and have at least some kind of hope that maybe all isn't bad in the world.

Sometimes, the choice is just that simple.

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