Wednesday 10 October 2012

The new girl

It's amazing how crazy and loopy a girl can drive a guy.

I have been working at my job for about 2 months now and it is one of those really mundane jobs. But it was a mundane job that I actually wanted. One of those jobs where you can just go in, do the work and go home. I sell home insurance over the phone. Normally it's a case of:-

"I believe that your home insurance is coming up for renewal."
"No it isn't."

I have actually "majorly breached" twice. Not intentionally but on one call I entered the wrong date of birth and on another call I didn't read out a lot of stuff that I was supposed to. After both occasions I was "investigated" by 2 people who would put Sherlock Holmes and Colombo to shame. Now these breaches can be quite common for new starters. They made sure that I understood how the world might actually end if I breached again.

Fair enough.  

Now although I wanted a mundane job, somebody like me can't really stay in a job like this without being bored. I know there are a lot of people who are happy with jobs like these. But I need some kind of excitement. Something to make the meaningless days that are actually passing by worthwhile.

So we have a new girl starting.

Now this to me is exciting. Mainly because the new girl is probably the prettiest girl in the whole of the building nevermind just the office. The fact that she was put in my group is even more exciting. I tend to do this thing where if I do come across a girl like, I would think of about 16,000 scenarios of how to start a conversation with her but then just never end up talking to her at all. I have had a crush on a girl for about 5 years now and we have probably spoken about 5 times (not including the times when I order a drink from her) This is classic Mukesh.

So halfway through my shift today I went to fill my bottle of water up from the water machine. She follows me. This was totally unexpected. I wasn't prepared. She then says:-

"Are there any cups"?

This was my chance to turn on the charm. Come on Mukesh:-

"Nup, erm, if you go over there near that other....across...I'll go and get you one."

"OK thanks but I need two"


I then walk across the floor and go to the other side of the whole office and grab 2 cups. I still had a chance to turn this around. Go Mukesh. I return to where she was standing and say:-



Now OK fine, things didn't work out then. No worries. She is in my group. Tomorrow is another day. The one advantage that I do have over a lot of other guys it seems is that I would consider myself a gentleman. I didn't used to a few years ago but when I see how the majority of guys treat ladies, I do think that I am compared to what I have seen, a nice guy and it does make me think that I must have someone totally amazing coming for me in life. Even though I find that most girls like guys that are total douche-bags (I have stated this many times) that there will be a lovely girl out there who likes me for me and doesn't like douche-bags. I HAVE to tell myself that this is the case. So like I said, there will be more chances to get to know her.

So anyway, since my 2 breaches, I have made sure that the past 2 weeks, I read EVERYTHING I was supposed to and I have actually been one of the best in the whole of the department (of about 40 people). If I carry on like this, my commission will be amazing and with this new girl starting things could get really exciting.

So at the end of my shift today one of the managers wants to speak to me. I was assuming he was going to tell me how amazing I have been the past 14 days or so. Instead he says:-

"We're going to move you to another department. You've done really well the past 2 weeks but because of your breaches last month, we're going to move you somewhere else. It's in your best interests as you are still in your probation period."

Now it will be a case of:-

"I believe your car insurance is up for renewal."
"You're too expensive, get lost."

So I won't be anywhere near the new girl.
I get moved JUST when I am starting to do really well.
The universe really does know how to annoy me.  

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