Wednesday 12 September 2012

Andy Murray finally wins a slam

It was one of the greatest tennis matches I have ever seen.

I have used Andy Murray as an example in one of my previous blog posts as someone whose mind stops him getting to the top. It was never his actual stamina, his talent or his ability but it was always like a mental block that he seemed to have in being his own worst enemy. Whatever was going through his mind, I also said that maybe, as ridiculous as this might sound that subconsciously, there might be even a little part of him that didn't want to reach the top. For whatever reason. This does happen to people and I think that maybe like him, this happens to me too.

I am not saying I'm a great a tennis player, I am not adored by millions, I don't have an unbelievably gorgeous girlfriend (I don't have a girlfriend full stop), but what I am trying to say is that some people do have a natural, or so it seems could be natural, a tendency to self-destruct. It is just in some peoples' nature to do this.

It almost happened in this tennis match too. Murray was 2 sets up and then lost the next 2 where you could start seeing signs that he might just self destruct there and then but then he stormed the final set. Well deserved and it was quite inspirational to watch.

It just goes to show that you CAN reach the top no matter whatever is going on in your mind that you might think is stopping you from doing that.

I know some people might say that it was just a tennis match. But to me and probably to a lot of other people, it was always much more than that.

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