Saturday, 22 September 2012

The anti-Muslim film

It is something that I watched out of pure curiosity after watching the news this evening and from the reaction it has got, I decided that I should give an opinion. I watched it once-I do not intend to watch it again.

Some guy has made this film then that makes The Prophet Muhammad and his followers look like power hungry looters and murderers and much worse. In one bit someone says that Muhammad is gay and another bit where someone said that he is a pedophile. It takes the mickey out of everything to do with Islam.

The reaction it has got from the Islamic community has been all over the news and I think 24 people so far have died. 24 people have died because of a film that was made. Unfortunately, I think that there are going to be many more deaths.I really hope I am wrong.

Now I know that in The USA where the movie was made, there is always a massive thing about "The freedom of speech" and that is fair enough. But the problem is that freedom of speech can a lot of the time cause offence and in this case, causes innocent people to be harmed or killed.

I have said before that this is what religion does. It creates wars, hatred between people and death. Even though my family are Hindu, I really don't follow religion too much or at all.

Now people can believe what they want to believe-that is fair enough. Nobody actually fully KNOWS anything about what is going to happen after death. Or even if there is a God or not. Nobody actually knows-it is all just belief.

But I understand people being offended if their beliefs are being taken the mickey out of. It isn't nice to say the least. But I think that by reacting in violent ways the situation is going to make everything horribly worse. According to the news, there is already talk of "revenge against the west". Now by the look of the film, it was probably made by a very small group of people and now the whole of the west has to suffer? It isn't right.

I think that most of the people who do watch this film would have to agree on how pathetic it actually looks and being angry about it and causing violence is just going to escalate an already bad situation from such a stupid, ridiculous film.

Imagine if all the protestors just decided to protest in a non violent way. People would then believe EVEN MORE that this film is wrong whereas at the minute, the idiot creators of the film are going to be saying to themselves that their point is being proven and that Islam is a violent religion. People of Islam, you now have a chance to prove them wrong and stop the violence.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Ignorance is stupidity

It's not really related to this post that I have written a while ago, but the title made me think of it:-

And also this post which I wrote a while ago which is a classic:-

Unfortunately, it does seem that people around me just seem to become more ignorant.

I currently work in a job that could be considered mundane. It has it's good points and bad points I guess. In my group, there is a girl. A dolly-bird. A fake tanned, too much make-up waring dolly-bird. Now I have mentioned before that I am far too professional to name names. It is not what I do. But the girl checks her make up every 5 minutes, checks her Facebook ever 10 minutes (I only see here in work and yes, she does this whilst in work) and asks someone whether she "looks alright" every 20 minutes. During the course of last week, a guy farted in her face and she giggled. A couple of other guys joked about raping her and she giggled. A guy called her a "wench" and she giggled. Now I hate seeing or hearing any kind of this absolutely disgusting behaviour and I really would have been happy to smash these guys faces in because I believe that is what they deserved. If that was my girlfriend, a friend or a relative or even someone who I knew, I would want to smash their faces in but when a girl giggles at this kind of lewd behaviour-it really just boggles the mind. What, she LIKES being spoken to like this? She LIKES being treated like this? Does she think that this will make people LIKE her??

Anyway, today I was eating lunch which consisted of being ham sandwiches (which I made in 30 seconds the night before) and I was reading my book in the canteen at work. She sits next to me "what you reading? And what are you having for lunch?"

I'm always up for a conversation "The prisoner of Heaven and ham sandwiches".

Then came the words "How come you're eating ham? You're Muslim."

Now I understand that some people can be through no fault of their own, very ignorant. But that can be rectified-maybe they just haven't met any Indian people. Maybe the only Asian people they have met have been Muslim. OK, I can just about accept that. JUST ABOUT. So I told her that "Just because I am brown, doesn't mean to say I am Muslim. Try opening your mind a bit".

She took offence to this and eventually stormed off and then bad mouthed me to people.

Now this is a girl who giggles when her face gets farted in, a girl who giggles when people say they are going to rape her, a girl who giggles when she gets called a "wench". A girl who is also brown but purely through fake tan-does this mean that she can't eat ham too? People who are her friends say disgusting things to her and it is fine. I say what I did and it causes offence? Maybe I should fart in her face next time? No I could never bring myself to ever do that. I would never even think about saying or doing things that some people probably have to her, I couldn't to ANYONE.

I fail to understand as to why people are like this. I have wrote before on my blog how it seems like most women like to be treated like shit. I do not get it. Do women like this think it is the only way they are liked?? What makes them be want to be treated like this?? It is something I just don't understand. It is something I guess in some ways that I never want to understand to be fair. It is messed up.

The other night I was walking home at about 2am and there was a group of people of around 6 guys and 2 girls on the other side of the road. I walked past them on my side of the road and after about 10 metres one of them then shouted "Oi Ghandi. Fucking Ghandi innit". The 2 girls started laughing and then that same guy shouted "Yeah you, you fucking Paki". Then the other guys and girls joined in shouting "Ghandi" and "Paki" and I just carried on walking. Of course, part of me wanted to find a plank of wood and absolutely knock the little sense out of them that they had. Part of me wanted to turn around and give them an educational lesson of how Mahatma Karamchand Ghandi was Indian who led India to independence and led movements for non violent civil rights and they were shouting "Paki"to me?? Who do they think Ghandi was?? What did they think he did? Would it have been really ironic if I did happen to get a plank of wood and beat these morons with it whilst educating them that Mahatma Karamchand Ghandi employed a non violent disobedience??

I know people keep telling me things like "Yeah there are some ignorant idiots in the world, just ignore them". But how is that possible? Why are people like this? 

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Andy Murray finally wins a slam

It was one of the greatest tennis matches I have ever seen.

I have used Andy Murray as an example in one of my previous blog posts as someone whose mind stops him getting to the top. It was never his actual stamina, his talent or his ability but it was always like a mental block that he seemed to have in being his own worst enemy. Whatever was going through his mind, I also said that maybe, as ridiculous as this might sound that subconsciously, there might be even a little part of him that didn't want to reach the top. For whatever reason. This does happen to people and I think that maybe like him, this happens to me too.

I am not saying I'm a great a tennis player, I am not adored by millions, I don't have an unbelievably gorgeous girlfriend (I don't have a girlfriend full stop), but what I am trying to say is that some people do have a natural, or so it seems could be natural, a tendency to self-destruct. It is just in some peoples' nature to do this.

It almost happened in this tennis match too. Murray was 2 sets up and then lost the next 2 where you could start seeing signs that he might just self destruct there and then but then he stormed the final set. Well deserved and it was quite inspirational to watch.

It just goes to show that you CAN reach the top no matter whatever is going on in your mind that you might think is stopping you from doing that.

I know some people might say that it was just a tennis match. But to me and probably to a lot of other people, it was always much more than that.