Tuesday 14 February 2012

Valentines day

What to do if you have a partner:-

Tell them your significant other that you love them. Even more so than you already would do normally. It is valentines day so you have to over emphasise it.

Buy them gifts, cards, a romantic dinner, flowers etc.

Hope that your significant others' friends didn't receive better gifts from their significant others thus making you look cheap, not bothered and maybe not caring about your own significant other as much as your friends' significant other cares for them.

Spend a lot of money that could be used for better things. Spend too much money. Spend more than you would do when you are in a restaurant for example as it would be more to book a table on this particular day. Maybe borrow money from your single friends on this particular day. They have nobody to spoil so why would they need money?? Why are they even existing?? What is the point?? Maybe even take out a small loan to pay for the pointless expenses on this particular day. (I said particular day 3 times then).

Get stressed out for desperately trying to prove to your significant other that you do care by actually full blown stressing out. Hoping that they will think "Wow, look how much I am being stressed out for. Oh I am so loved". Show that you are desperate to not be alone.

What to do if you don't have a partner:-

Don't leave the house. Everything outside will make you want to be sick i.e all the shops will be pink, you will notice everyone holding hands/kissing/having slap and tickle more so than you would do on a normal day.

Don't be sick. Even if you do want to be sick. Do not let this lonely day get the better of you. Do not let this sick, pointless day win.

Don't be worried that you are alone. It is a good thing. Things can be better when you are alone. Even though you might be dying inside (and you can't call any of your friends as they will be too busy to have time for you as they will be celebrating valentines day with their significant others and will just say to you "don't worry, you'll find someone some day"), even though you might start thinking that there is no point to life because if you do think this then again, valentines day will win. Be strong. You owe it to yourself.

Don't get stressed out. There is no need. You don't have a significant other to make happy. You don't have to prove anything to them by showering them in gifts you really can't afford in a desperate attempt to make them want to be with you. Show the world and valentines day that you are not desperate to have someone. You are a free spirit. It is good to be a free spirit.

This day is pointless.

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