Sunday 12 September 2010

QUESTION-How exciting is this?? ANSWER-Very. I'm so very excited

Hello, I am not sure if I am doing this right. I'm not sure that I do ANYTHING right anymore. I don't know who will read this and I don't know if there is even a point if people do read this. Why no point?? Because what is the point in ANYTHING?? Think about it please for one second. WHY DO ANYTHING?? Note:-I am always consistently doing 2 question marks after I ask a question. It is not a consistent typo. Why do I do this?? (Note again with the 2 question marks), again-I don't know. Today is the 12th of September. What is so special about this date?? NOTHING. Why have I chosen to do this?? I DON'T KNOW. From from today until the day I die (commit suicide maybe?? I DON'T KNOW, I'm 28, I wouldn't even be in the cool 27 club anymore), I am going to write about STUFF. About life. I am going to question everything. For those of you that choose to read and maybe even choose to follow, please remember this-I am a 28 year old man that doesn't really like anything-thanks.

1 comment:

  1. your journal is so cute :)

    now i want curry :p
